
Monday, April 19, 2010

Is your head in the sand

People who act as if they are oblivious to the happenings around them are often characterized as behaving like an ostrich with its "head buried in sand." I don't know much about the habits of the ostrich bird but I can see the same analogy applying to the those who see wars, earthquakes, famine, pandemics, rampant crime, environmental upheavals, seasonal changes and the like; and yet fail to recognize these as signs of the end times (Matt. 16:2-3).

Catastrophic events like these are unfolding worldwide almost daily, even in our own country. The popular culture believes that the world will one day solve all its problems and be at peace with itself. But scripture warns us that nothing can be farther from the truth.
For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, 'peace and safety,' destruction will come on them suddenly as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you brothers are not in darkness so this day should not surprise you like a thief (1Thessalonians 5: 2-4).
The word "should not" in that passage suggests that some brothers (and sisters) will be caught off guard, and hence totally unprepared for the Lord's return. Where do you stand? Are you prepared for the Lord's return?

In Matthew 25 tells the story of ten virgins— five wise ones and five foolish ones— who were warned to be ready when the bridegroom [Christ] comes for them. The five wise virgins were obedient and heeded the advice, keeping their lamps trimmed and with plenty of oil with them at all times. One day, when the bridegroom suddenly came unannounced, the five wise virgins were ready to go with him. But the five foolish virgins were caught off guard—their lamps had no oil. To their anguish, the bridegroom left them behind. The point of this parable is the importance of being prepared when he comes. Scripture warns, "we know not the day or the hour when [Christ] will return."

The first step in being prepared is making sure that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ or to put it another way, you must be born again. Just being a good person doesn't cut it. People often deceive themselves by thinking that because they are kind hearted, or attend church that this somehow means that makes them right with God. Not so. The Bible says in John 3:7 that you must be born again. Romans 10 spells out the conditions for salvation through Christ:
First, there must be a confession of sin with true repentance. Followed by acceptance of Jesus as God's son, who died on the cross for our sin and who was also raised from the dead. Next, an invitation to Christ to come into your heart; and finally, believing in faith that Jesus has done what you have asked. 
Here's the test. If you cannot specifically recall a date or time when you made this confession or similar to God in a prayer, you would be correct to question whether you are really in the family of God. If you are not sure, don't allow Satan to deceive you about your standing with God. Satan wants nothing more than for you to keep your head buried in the sand of "self-righteousness." Open your heart today, and allow Christ to change your life. The bridegroom is coming, and is even now knocking at the door.

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