
Monday, December 14, 2009

Where Are the Shepherds When We Need Them?

The White House announced recently that the Presidential holiday card would expressly omit any mention of Christmas or Jesus' birth. The words and meaning behind "Merry Christmas" has been replaced by "Happy Holidays" in almost every facet of American life today. Nativity scenes have come under attack and are illegal in some public places in many communities across this nation. The commemoration of Jesus' birth has become sadly, even for some Christians, a day of tree trimming and gift giving without a pause to honor the greatest gift of all. And like the Presidential card, Christians send out greeting cards full of holiday cheer, and no mention of the joy that came into the world when Christ was born.

The proclamation of Jesus' birth did not end with the shepherds. As 21st century Christians, we have a calling to proclaim this gospel message until the day of Christ's return. During this most holy of Christian observances, we have an opportunity to declare the real reason for the season: that Christ came into the world to save sinners. How can we sit on our salvation while there are still so many even at our doorstep who don't know Jesus Christ as Savior? The Shepherds left their sheep, and probably lost their jobs, to spread the Good News of Christ's coming. The words, "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life," still have power to change lives in any season. This is the message of Christmas that Christians should be telling the world.

We must take a stand for Christmas, refusing to allow the world to dictate who, what and how we should celebrate. When someone says, "Happy Holiday" to you, don't be ashamed to respond with, "And may you have a blessed Christmas" or the like." As you gather around the Christmas tree with family and friends, read the story of the birth of Christ found in the Gospels before opening your gifts. As we honor the Savior, we can proclaim with the angels "Peace on earth, goodwill toward men."

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